Dignity and Dementia: Mapping the Church’s Response to the Coming Crisis

Dignity and Dementia: Mapping the Church’s Response to the Coming Crisis

Dignity and Dementia: Mapping the Church’s Response to the Coming Crisis 1920 1080 Matteo Pota
Dignity and Dementia: Mapping the Church’s Response to the Coming Crisis

Dignity and Dementia: Mapping the Church’s Response to the Coming Crisis

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Today, 50 million people have dementia, but in just twenty years that number will more than double. Fundamental human dignity, already under assault on a spectrum of issues, is increasingly being robbed of those with dementia. How can the Church respond now and in the future? This urgent topic is the subject of a new book, Losing Our Dignity, by Charles Camosy. In this webinar, Camosy will be joined by four guests, each with a unique perspective on the topic. Kathyrn Jean Lopez, the moderator of the discussion, is Chair of the Pro-Life Commission of the New York Diocese. Sr. Constance Veit is US Director of Communications for the Little Sisters of the Poor, a religious order devoted to the service of the elderly poor. Erin Younkins is an Occupational Therapist and Director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace for the Archdiocese of Baltimore. And The Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann is Bishop of Orange, a diocese actively participating in The Whole Person Care Initiative.

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Date And Time

07-26-2021 @ 02:00 PM to
07-26-2021 @ 03:00 PM


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